Monday, May 4, 2015

Keaton Prohaska: Sculpting a future

Keaton Prohaska (above) visualizes his next project.
When many visualize what the arts are, most think towards drawing and painting. However, those are just two of the many forms of art throughout our world. Sculpting,widely known throughout the art community, is the act of carving and modeling material such as clay, stone, or wood in order to create a three-dimensional object. These objects can range from people to animals or simple objects such as a vase or bowl.

Keaton Prohaska, a junior here at Olathe Northwest, uses his talented abilities in sculpting to create masterpieces that range from project to project. However, the beginning to Prohaska's art career may vary compared to most artists.

"I just took it because I needed an extra class," Prohaska said. "And because I got good at it, I began to enjoy it more and then I just got really good at it and I began to enjoy it even more."

Prohaska enrolled in both Beginner Ceramics and Advanced Ceramics for his sophomore year. As the year continued on, his talent in sculpting and creating ceramic pieces gradually improved. This year, Prohaska is currently enrolled in Advanced Ceramics, where his talent continues to be shown project after project.

Despite his talented work in ceramics, Prohaska knows the obstacles that come with each project he begins.

"Planning is critical in the creation process," he said. "He [Mr. Barnes] often times wants us to have a good idea of what we're going to do and I never do. I'm more spontaneous."

Most artists have a continual process they go through in the creation process of a work. This process could range from the steps they take to make the piece or the reoccurring style throughout multiple artworks. Prohaska has an alternate way of creating his works.

"I start by getting clay and then I follow up by making a masterpiece," Prohaska said humorously. "Honestly, I don't really have process I go through; I just sort of do it."

Prohaska plans on attending the University of Kansas after graduating from Olathe Northwest in
2016. Prohaska is still undecided about his major and career plans, but knows art will continue to be an integral part of his life.

"I will continue to pursue art throughout life," said Prohaska. "But it will just be a fun hobby for me."

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